Atheism is when an individual chooses not to believe in the existence of any deities. It is stating the position that there are no deities, or the absence of belief that there is a higher power governing the life of man.
To be an atheist means to reject the idea that there are gods in the Universe and to be an atheist means to question every religious belief that exists and being taught. Atheists are individuals who believe in the supremacy of human logic and reasoning; an atheist will rely on scientific principles and research and use this to conduct their daily living.
In the United States of America, 83% would identify themselves as Christians and the remaining 13% will identify themselves as having no religion or being an atheist. The remaining 4% are following non-Christian religions such as Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism.
Atheists are free thinkers, they have no certain religious beliefs and traditions that they follow. There are no codes and religious conducts, they are not required by any church to stop drinking beer, or doing drugs and they believe in freedom as a way of life.
Atheists cannot be quantified and measured, while there are some who frequently have sex, do drugs and alcohol not everyone is in this percentage. There are many Atheists that do contain good moral value even though they don’t follow a Holy doctrine. There are also Atheists who are scientists, researchers, teachers, physicians, doctors as well as well known celebrities.
Islam is very much against Atheism because it contradicts their traditional beliefs especially the ones that are written in the holy book of Islam the Qu’ran.
Most Atheist no longer believe in traditional marriage, and would not follow certain social conducts being imposed by the church; this is seen as a threat by most religions especially Islam.
However, this is not a belief that all Muslims participate in, there are some Islam believers that are very accepting of other people’s beliefs, it will all boil down to the perception of the individual who is following a certain religion. If they can be open minded and know as well as accept that it is alright for other people in the world to not believe in the same way of life that they believe in then they will be able to come to terms with the lack of beliefs that Atheists possess. This will mean for a peaceful union between them.